

You have found one of my internet caves. I'm glad you're here, and I'd like you to hang out a while so I'll try to introduce the blog and myself here.

The Blog

The blog is about handmade fashion and home decor. It's about the process of making things, and since I have a habit of making things and then letting them gather dust in my closet or boxes, actually using them. There will probably be a lot of sewing and crochet, and some knitting, quilting, embroidery, and cross stitch. There will be other crafts too, but those are the biggies.

The Blogger

That would be me, KC. I'm 32 and live in Colorado. Along with the crafty hobbies mentioned above I also read, write, and lurk around the fringes of a few fandoms. Some links of places to connect with me are in the side column. 

The Name

If you've wandered here expecting items for a hermit crab, I'll tell you right now that you've wandered into the wrong blog. The hermit a somewhat tongue-in-cheek reference to myself. I'm introverted and shy with a bit of anti-social thrown. While I was brainstorming blog names, I threw a lot of things at the wall and this is what stuck. It's fun, catchy and fits nicely with the theme already established with my other blog The Occasional Adventures of a Hermit.

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